Hitachi Jobs | Hitachi Rail Careers UAE-Saudi Arabia-Qatar 2024

Let’s delve into the latest opportunities at Hitachi. Here, we present the most recent Hitachi job openings in Dubai, UAE, USA, UK, Canada, and Saudi Arabia. Browse through our updated list below to apply for Hitachi Rail careers on our website.

Hitachi’s Social Innovation Business revolves around five key growth sectors: Mobility, Smart Life, Industry, Energy, and IT. With a global workforce of nearly 300,000 employees, we are dedicated to enhancing people’s quality of life and advancing our customers’ social, environmental, and economic values for a sustainable future. While we encounter unprecedented societal challenges, we also encounter unprecedented opportunities. Join us in shaping the future through Hitachi recruitment 2023.


Hitachi Rail Careers 2024 – Apply Now

Hitachi offers exciting and fulfilling career prospects worldwide and is actively seeking talented and driven individuals. Whether it’s engineering innovative sustainability solutions to conserve water and energy or spearheading the development of smart city infrastructure, our pioneers are ready to tackle any challenge. With numerous opportunities available, you can truly make a difference.

Presently, our primary corporate representative office is based in Dubai, U.A.E., serving as a hub for knowledge and experience shared among the six countries where Hitachi operates. The Hitachi Group maintains a robust business network comprising 21 branches and offices in the United Arab Emirates, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait, Lebanon, and Egypt.


Hitachi Vantara Careers

Apply now for job opportunities at Hitachi Vantara. We are actively seeking talented individuals to join our team and contribute to our dynamic, collaborative, and innovative work environment. At Hitachi Vantara, your ideas are valued, and new opportunities await. We are committed to supporting our employees in their career growth and encouraging exploration of new horizons. Join us and unleash your full potential.

Explore Hitachi job openings in 2023. Since its establishment in 1910, Hitachi has continuously met the expectations of society and customers through technological advancements and innovation. Our mission is to contribute to society through the development of superior, original technology and products. With over a century of experience, we are dedicated to creating a more sustainable world through our Social Innovation Business. By leveraging our expertise in IT, OT, and various products, we strive to enhance social infrastructure systems and improve the quality of life globally.

Hitachi Jobs | Hitachi Rail Careers UAE-Saudi Arabia-Qatar 2024
Hitachi Jobs | Hitachi Rail Careers UAE-Saudi Arabia-Qatar 2024

Hitachi Jobs 2024 – Apply Now

Job Title Location
PGHV MEA Hub Marketing and Sales Manager UAE
Controlling and Planning Front Office Analyst (Emirati nationals) UAE
Safety Officer UAE
Senior Quality Assurance Specialist UAE
Project Engineer Transformer Service UAE
Planning Engineer UAE
Onsite-Support Specialist UAE
HBU ME Competency Development Program Manager UAE
Operator UAE
Hub APMEA Project Management Development UAE
Emiratis fresh graduate UAE
Maintenance Technician UAE
Digital Lead Specialist – Energy Solutions Sales UAE
Senior Contract Manager Saudi Arabia
Senior Quality and Continuous Improvement Specialist Saudi Arabia
Associate Project Management Saudi Arabia
Platform Screen Door Systems Technician Saudi Arabia
PGHV MEA Hub Marketing and Sales Manager Saudi Arabia
Assembly Technician Saudi Arabia
Quality Engineer Saudi Arabia
Project Quality Manager (PQM) Saudi Arabia
Training & Competency Manager Saudi Arabia
Senior Commissioning Manager Saudi Arabia
Site Quality Specialist Saudi Arabia
Project Manager Saudi Arabia
On-Site Service Specialist Qatar
Service senior technician Kuwait
General Accounting – Specialist Bahrain

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Sure, here are some tips for writing a successful resume that may benefit you:

Your resume speaks for you before you meet anyone. It’s like a footprint you leave in the professional world, so it should be outstanding and attractive. First and foremost, understand the purpose of your resume. Is it for searching for a new job or applying for a study program? Understand the purpose and identify the target audience. Ensure you choose an appropriate format for your resume. It’s preferable to organize information cleanly and systematically to make it easy to read and understand. Include personal information carefully. Make sure the data is accurate and up to date.

Write a professional summary that summarizes your experiences and qualifications. Customize it to fit the targeted job.

Organize the education section effectively, highlighting relevant qualifications.

Detail your work experiences, showcasing your achievements and responsibilities.

Present relevant skills for the targeted job, balancing technical and soft skills.

Consider including language skills, adjusting them according to the job requirements.

Highlight continuous learning and certifications. Connect professional development with job requirements.

Provide tips on how to deal with references and encourage including reliable references.

Emphasize the importance of error-free content and provide tips for proofreading.

Explain the necessity of customization for each job application and provide examples of customization.

Discuss the importance of online profiles, and provide tips for improving your LinkedIn and other profiles.

In conclusion, remind yourself of the importance of writing a resume that aligns with your career goals. Take the first step towards success and start applying these valuable tips.


By following our website, you can stay updated on the latest daily job vacancies in UAE if you are seeking job opportunities.

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